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Thermo Fisher

As accredited Thermo Fisher Scientific trainers for Amira-Avizo Software, 3Dmagination has a very close relationship with Thermo Fisher Scientific. We deliver advanced 3D training courses for our customers with a good balance between theoretical and practical. We complement each other and we join forces to ensure our trainees learn effectivey and improve their performance.

We are working in close collaboration with the LMT Cachan (Pr. Francois Hild) and EikoSim startup (Dr Florent Mathieu & Dr Renaud Gras, laureate of the French i-LAB competition in 2015) on In-situ Experiment and Digital Volume Correlation.

The research team at MATEIS laboratory has conducted pionnering research in X-ray computed tomography over the last decades. 3Dmagination is interacting with the team on research and teaching projects and has access to world leading equipment for CT scanning and in-situ testing. More information can be found at​

The research activities at Centre des Matériaux cover all types of materials with an interest for industry. A feature of the research activities of the Centre is the close link between experimental approaches and the modelling of physical phenomena, which is at the core of what we do at 3Dmagination.​ More information can be found at

We have a close partnership with Diamond, SOLEIL, and ESRF which gives us access to unique capabilities and a wide range of experts to adress challenging questions for our customers.

With his strategic location and intermediary energy, SOLEIL is a key partner for 4D dynamic studies. In collaboration with Centre des Matériaux Mines ParisTech, we developed a new high temperature furnace that will combine high resolution tomography and X-ray diffraction in situ.   





In collaboration with the University of Manchester at Harwell (UoMaH) led by Prof Neil Bourne, 3Dmagination is interacting with groups on research and teaching projects. UoMaH provides an interface between researchers at The University of Manchester and the national facilities at Harwell (Diamond Light Source, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Central Laser Facility and the Scientific Computing Department).




Novitom is a key player in the field of 3D imaging and we share knowledge, equipment, and good practice in X-ray tomography.



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